Diabetic Eye Disease

Understanding and Treating Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetes is a serious disease that can cause both short-term and long-term health issues and consequences. The good news is that diabetes can also be managed and treated. One of the concerns when you have this condition is diabetic eye disease and how it may affect your vision and eye health. If you're in the Bakersfield area, Innovative Eye Care is here to help answer your questions and discuss treatment options for this significant eye health issue.

What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

Diabetic eye disease is actually a group of conditions that can affect the eye health and vision of people who have diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy is the most commonly noted disease, but glaucoma, cataracts, and macular edema can also be present. You could have only one of these conditions or several of them at the same time. The severity of your diabetes, how long you've had it, and how well you manage it and other health conditions can all play a role.

Will This Disease Cause Blindness?

Left unchecked, it's possible for diabetic eye disease to cause blindness. Cataracts are typically treatable, but glaucoma is a known cause of blindness. Because diabetes causes damage to your eyes over a period of time, you might not realize the issue until it starts affecting your vision.

At that time, there may not be any opportunity to reverse the vision loss, and the goal could change to simply trying to keep the problems from getting any worse. In many cases, blindness can be avoided by taking the right steps toward managing your diabetes and treating eye health conditions.

How Can an Optometrist Help?

Your optometrist can help by performing a thorough examination of your eyes, which will give them important information on your eye health and your vision. If you have diabetes, make sure to let them know. You might need more frequent exams to ensure that you aren't developing diabetic eye disease or that it's not progressing if you already have it.

Optometry has come a long way, and there are helpful options, but the best thing you can do is make sure you're treating your diabetes and taking it seriously. That will protect a lot of organs and systems in your body, including your eyes. Working with your eye doctor can also give you important peace of mind.

Reach Out for Eye Care Support Today

Are you looking for an optometrist near me? If you're in the Bakersfield area, reach out to us today at Innovative Eye Care for the help and support you need. We understand the significance of prompt diagnosis and careful monitoring when you have diabetic eye disease and can work with you on a treatment plan to reduce your chances of vision loss and help your eyes stay as healthy as possible.

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