
If you have difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, you may have myopia, also known as nearsightedness. Myopia is a refractive eye condition caused by irregularities in the shape of the eye, lens, or cornea. These irregularities cause light to refract or bend incorrectly inside the eye, resulting in blurry vision when the light is out of focus on the retina at the back of the eye. If you are looking for an optometrist near you for myopia treatment, consider Innovative Eye Care, serving the Bakersfield, CA, area.


Who Suffers from Myopia?

Myopia, or nearsightedness, often runs in families and commonly emerges in school-age children. You may notice them squinting, sitting close to the television, or having trouble reading or seeing distant objects in the classroom. These symptoms indicate blurry vision and suggest that the child needs an eye exam. Myopia also occurs in teenagers, adults, and individuals with diabetes.

Myopia Control

Since myopia can affect individuals of all ages, scheduling regular eye exams at the recommended frequency is crucial for receiving appropriate treatment. Myopia responds well to treatments involving corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses and contact lenses, or treatments that reshape the cornea, such as Ortho-K lenses and LASIK surgery.

  • Eyeglasses: Eyeglasses are an effective treatment for almost everyone with nearsightedness. However, some people may choose not to wear eyeglasses due to their appearance or because of certain activities, such as sports or specific occupations.
  • Contact lenses: Contact lenses are another effective treatment option, though some individuals may have difficulty wearing them due to dry eyes, the shape of their corneas, or other factors.
  • Ortho-K (Orthokeratology): Ortho-K is a non-surgical option that reshapes the cornea. Patients wear special contact lenses while they sleep, which temporarily reshape the cornea, reducing the need for corrective lenses during the day. This treatment is similar to dental braces but for the eyes. However, the effect is temporary, so patients typically need to wear the lenses nightly.
  • LASIK surgery: LASIK is a surgical option that permanently reshapes the cornea using a laser, correcting the patient’s vision. LASIK is generally most effective for people with mild to moderate myopia.

Myopia Management at Innovative Eye Care

Regular eye exams are essential for diagnosing and treating myopia and other vision issues. At Innovative Eye Care, serving Bakersfield, CA, our optometrist can help manage your myopia and provide the best treatment options. Call us today at (661) 213-3310 to schedule an eye exam, or use our appointment request form.


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